Romaine heart, baby greens, pickled artichoke hearts, olives, radish, red onion, cranberry, feta cheese, beets, carrots, and lemon vinaigrette.....
Vegetarian. Pickled carrots a la charmoula in lemon vinaigrette and olive oil.....
Moroccan Stewed Lentils with fresh tomatoes, spices, garlic and herbs....
Combo of Green and Black/Brown Olives in Charmoula Sauce....
A platter of zaalouk, taktouka, and carrots a la chermoula.....
Grilled bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, olive oil.....
Moroccan Stewed White Beans with fresh tomatoes, spices, garlic and herbs....
Grilled mashed eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes, olive oil....
Beef sirloin, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, chermoula....
Chicken breast, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, chermoula....
Lamb, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, chermoula....
Chicken, lemon confit, onions, saffron, olives....
Fish, chermoula, tomato sauce & veggie combo....
Beef Lamb meat balls, tomato sauce, charmoula, eggs....
Lamb shank, onions, carrots, green peas, lemon confit....
Lamb shank, onions, prunes, almonds, sesame seeds....
Veggie combo, tomato sauce, olives & chermoula....
Couscous, Lamb Stew, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables "+ $2 if served with shank"....
Couscous, grilled beef sirloin, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables....
Couscous, chicken stew, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables....
Couscous, chicken stew, onions, garbanzo beans, raisins, eggs....
Couscous, grilled lamb chops, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables....
Couscous, lamb stew, onions, garbanzo beans, raisins, eggs....
Couscous, grilled mergez, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables....
Couscous, grilled meat combo, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables....
Couscous, salmon fillet, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables....
Couscous, onions, garbanzo beans, vegetables....